AMC detainees charged for contravening family violence orders


In the last month, ACT Policing charged three detainees at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) for contravening family violence orders (FVOs) whilst on remand.  

The ACT Policing Family Violence Unit (FVU) has been working closely with ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) to identify detainees who allegedly contravene conditions of served and enforceable FVOs from within the AMC.    

ACTCS is committed to preventing, as far as possible, the revictimisation of victims of crime by managing contact between detainees and victims of crime, and between detainees and people in the community who do not wish to be contacted. 

In May 2023, the FVU charged three detainees with seven offences including contravene family violence order (three counts), attempt contravene family violence order (two counts), and use carriage service to threaten serious harm (two counts). Investigations are ongoing and further charges are expected. 

ACT Policing Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons acting Superintendent Dave Williams said these operations are yet another example of police and other agencies working collaboratively to keep the community safe. 

“Police understand the inherent power imbalances in family violence relationships and acknowledge the significant emotional and mental harm coercive control has on victims,” acting Superintendent Williams said.  

“I thank ACT Corrections for their assistance with these important investigations. Police and Corrections will continue to work together in this area to ensure victims of crime are kept safe, and alleged offenders are held accountable.”   

If you are a victim of family violence or believe someone you know is the victim of family violence, you can contact police on 131444 or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency, or attend any police station.   


The following support services are also available:    

ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service  02 6280 0900  

Canberra Rape Crisis Centre 02 6247 2525  

YWCA Canberra 02 6185 2000  

ACT Government family violence services 



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