Online reporting expanded to include dangerous driving

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ACT Policing has expanded the capabilities of its online reporting portal to now include evidence upload of dangerous driving.  

Members of the public who capture dash-cam or mobile phone footage of driving offences, including dangerous driving, road rage, careless driving, mobile phone, red light, and seatbelt offences can now upload that footage directly to the ACT Policing online reporting portal.  

Dangerous driving is the latest crime type to feature on the online reporting portal, with historic sexual assaults, petrol drive offs, and property damage/vandalism incidents already featured.  

Importantly, online reporting of dangerous driving is an additional method of reporting, which will complement existing ACT Policing channels. People can still report these matters to Crime Stoppers, the police assistance line (131 444) or by attending a police station. In an emergency or life-threatening situation, always call Triple Zero (000).    

ACT Policing Superintendent Brian Diplock said reporting dangerous driving incidents online would streamline the process for the public. 

“Previously, members of the public would need to physically attend a police station with a memory stick or similar to provide police with vision or images of offences,” Superintendent Diplock said.  

“Adding dangerous driving to our online portal makes reporting these incidents far easier for the public, but also for police, freeing up officers in stations to respond to more time-critical matters. This will see positive flow on effects for the community. 

“Police often say we can be anywhere, at any time, but with online reporting, this now means anyone who safely films illegal driving activity can quickly and easily upload it to our online portal, potentially contributing to greater accountability for Canberra drivers. 

“One point to emphasise though – if it’s happened, report online; if it’s happening, call 131 444, or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.”   

To complete the online form, you must be able to provide video or photographic evidence of the driving offence you witnessed when requested by ACT Policing. You may also be required to provide a formal witness statement to police and attend court as a witness to confirm the information provided in your witness statement. 

Police will support witnesses through the court process, noting that many matters are dealt with by police without proceeding to court.  

ACT Policing’s online services portal can be accessed here.    



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